Java Methods: A Comprehensive Guide


A method represents a group of statements to perform a task, methods are written always inside a class.

A method has two parts.
1. Method header/proto type
2. Method body

Method header/proto type:


Return type method Name (parameters)
Method header/proto type contains method names, parameters / arguments to receive data from outside and the return data type
Ex :
Double sum(double x,double y)

Note: If a method not returning any value then given the return type as void.

Method body:
Method body contains a block of statement representing the logical to perform a task.
Ex :-
Double sum(double x,double y)
Double z=x+y;
Return z;


java methods

Types of Methods:
There are three types of methods
1. Static method.
2. Instance method.
3. Factory method.

     Static Method

  •  It is a method that does not act up on instance variable of a class directly.
  •  Static methods are declared using keyword static.
  •  Static methods do not required class object to call them.
  • Static methods cannot access instance variables, but static methods can acessstatic variables.

Instance Method

  •  Instance methods are the methods which interact with instance variables of a
  • These methods need an object to be a class.
  • There are two types of instance methods.
    1. Accessor methods.
    2. Mutator methods.

Access or Method

  • Accessor methods are those methods which accessor read the instance
  • They will not modify the instance variables of a class.
  •  The content of object will not modify by these methods

Mutator Method

  • Mutator Method modifies the content object.

Factory Method

  •  A factory method is a method that return object of that class which it is a member.
  •  Factory methods are static methods.

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