Java keywordes
Java has a set of keywords that are reserved words that cannot be used as variables, methods, classes, or any other identifiers:
Java Keywords
Sno | Keyword | Description |
1 | abstract | Used to declare abstract classes and methods. |
2 | assert | Used to assert the truth of a boolean expression. |
3 | boolean | Data type representing true or false values. |
4 | break | Used to terminate a loop or switch statement. |
5 | byte | Data type representing 8-bit signed integer values. |
6 | case | Used in switch statements to specify different possible execution paths. |
7 | catch | Used to catch exceptions in exception handling. |
8 | char | Data type representing a single 16-bit Unicode character. |
9 | class | Used to declare a class. |
10 | const | Reserved keyword but not used. |
11 | continue | Used to skip the current iteration of a loop and continue to the next one. |
12 | default | Used in switch statements as a default case when no other case matches. |
13 | do | Starts a do-while loop. |
14 | double | Data type representing double-precision 64-bit floating point values. |
15 | else | Used to execute a block of code if the condition of an if statement is false. |
16 | enum | Used to declare an enumeration. |
17 | extends | Used to indicate that a class is derived from another class. |
18 | final | Used to declare constants, make methods not overrideable, or classes not inheritable. |
19 | finally | Used to execute code after try-catch blocks, whether an exception is thrown or not. |
20 | float | Data type representing single-precision 32-bit floating point values. |
21 | for | Starts a for loop. |
22 | goto | Reserved keyword but not used. |
23 | if | Used to execute a block of code if a condition is true. |
24 | implements | Used to indicate that a class implements an interface. |
25 | import | Used to import packages or specific classes in Java. |
26 | instanceof | Used to test if an object is an instance of a specific class or interface. |
27 | int | Data type representing 32-bit signed integer values. |
28 | interface | Used to declare an interface. |
29 | long | Data type representing 64-bit signed integer values. |
30 | native | Used to declare a native method, which is implemented in platform-dependent code. |
31 | new | Used to create new objects. |
32 | null | Represents the absence of a value or a null reference. |
33 | package | Used to declare a package, which organizes classes and interfaces. |
34 | private | Access modifier indicating that a method or variable is accessible only within its own class. |
35 | protected | Access modifier indicating that a method or variable is accessible within its own package and by subclasses. |
36 | public | Access modifier indicating that a method or variable is accessible from any other class. |
37 | return | Used to exit from a method, optionally returning a value. |
38 | short | Data type representing 16-bit signed integer values. |
39 | static | Used to declare a static method or variable, which belongs to the class rather than any instance of the class. |
40 | strictfp | Used to restrict floating-point calculations to ensure portability. |
41 | super | Used to refer to the immediate parent class object. |
42 | switch | Used to select one of many code blocks to be executed. |
43 | synchronized | Used to restrict multiple threads from executing a block of code simultaneously. |
44 | this | Used to refer to the current object. |
45 | throw | Used to explicitly throw an exception. |
46 | throws | Used to declare exceptions that a method might throw. |
47 | transient | Used to indicate that a field should not be serialized. |
48 | try | Starts a block of code to be tested for exceptions. |
49 | void | Used to declare that a method does not return any value. |
50 | volatile | Used to indicate that a variable's value will be modified by different threads. |
51 | while | Starts a while loop. |